• Details
  • Registration
  • Map
  • Routes in the vicinity
Nature experienceGuided tour / ExcursionOffer for groups

Our expert guides know where to find the most fascinating natural sights and observations. Their explanations will assist you in your discovery of a new world.
Cost: CHF 380.–
Duration: 6-7 hours (including lunch break)

If you would like to get to know the National Park in the company of a competent guide, our guided walks are just what you are looking for.

Our expert guides know where to find the most fascinating natural sights and observations. Their explanations will assist you in your discovery of a new world.

Cost: CHF 380.–
Duration: 6-7 hours (including lunch break)

Please be aware that your request will only be processed at office hours.
Please respect our protection regulations (dogs are not allowed in the park). Thank you for your understanding.

Routes: We recommend the following trails: 01 Alp Trupchun, 17 Margunet (nature trail) or 19 Val Mingèr.
Usually, these trails are open from the second week of June.


Mai, June, July, August, September, October

Number of persons for group-offers

Number of participants min. 1
Number of participants max. 20

Price information

Cost: CHF 380.–
Duration: 6-7 hours (including lunch break)

The offer is suitable for

  • Adults
  • Children from 7-12 years
  • Children >12 years
  • 50+
  • Families
  • Groups

The offer has been particularly developed for

  • Association/Companies


Schweizerischer Nationalpark
– –
Runatsch 124, Chastè Planta-Wildenberg
7530 Zernez
Tel. +41 81 851 41 41



Schweizerischer Nationalpark – Verwaltung
Schloss Planta Wildenberg
7530 Zernez
Tel. +41818514111

Registration is obligatory for this offer.

Ab 21 (Schulklassen 30) Teilnehmer/innen sind 2 Exkursionsleiter notwendig, die beide mit je CHF 380.– verrechnet werden.
Bitte melden Sie sich via Online-Formular an (vgl. Link).
Nach der Anmeldung erhalten Sie per Mail eine Bestätigung Ihrer Anfrage. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Ihre Anmeldung nur zu Bürozeiten bearbeitet wird und mindestens fünf Tage vor dem gewünschten Exkursionstermin erfolgen sollte.

Registration contact

Schweizerischer Nationalpark
– –
Runatsch 124, Chastè Planta-Wildenberg
7530 Zernez
Tel. +41 81 851 41 41


17 Margunet

Length: 8.00km
Time required: 3 hours

19 Val Mingèr

Length: 5.50km
Time required: 2 hours 15 minutes
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