Our aims
A model area for sustainable development
The term UNESCO Biosphere Reserve is not always self-explanatory. It is often seen as an enclosed area reserved for the development of nature.
However, the official definition of the UNESCO Man and Biosphere (MAB) programme refers to an area in which the interests of nature and humans are equally taken into account. In the UNESCO Biosfera Engiadina Val Müstair, the following wish for future development was defined with various stakeholders:
We pass nature and culture on to the next generation as capital and as an attractive living space.
The Biosphere Reserve Council is the strategic body of the UNESCO Biosfera Engiadina Val Müstair. The 3 parties are equally represented with 2 members each and one person, who does not have to come from the ranks of the 3 parties, is the chairperson:
Swiss National Park:
Heidi Hanselmann, President of the Swiss National Park Commission
Gianna Rauch-Poo, Member of the Federal National Park Commission
Municipality of Val Müstair:
Ulrich Veith, President of the Strategic Commission of the Regional Nature Park Biosfera Val Müstair
Gabriella Binkert Becchetti, Mayor of Val Müstair
Municipality of Scuol:
Fadri Blanke, board member of the municipality of Scuol
Iwan Damerow board member of the municipality of Scuol
Victor Peer, president of the municipality of Valsot
The office of the Biosphere Reserve is located in the municipality of Scuol. Angelika Abderhalden has been managing director since 2017.
The activities of the UNESCO Biosfera Engiadina Val Müstair are based on the objectives and projects listed in the management plan below (in German).
Management plan UBEVM 2020-2024 (in German)
The map shows the area of the 449 km2 UNESCO Biosfera Engiadina Val Müstair with the three zones core area (orange), buffer- (green) and transition area (pink).
UNESCO Biosfera Engiadina Val Müstair
Chasa cumünala, Bagnera 170
CH-7550 Scuol
Tél. +41 79 670 26 23
E-Mail: a.abderhalden(at)biosphaerenreservat.ch
Environmental education
Our aim is to enable everyone, including especially children, young people or pupils, to actively experience and observe nature and its interrelationships. Therefore we offer:
- Programmes for adults (see Events above)
- Environmental education programmes for school classes (more options on request)
- Organisation of work assignments for volunteers (individuals, groups, school classes)
The offers are organised together with the Foundation Pro Terra Engiadina. For offers within the Val Müstair valley, you can contact the Regional Nature Park Biosfera Val Müstair.
The basic idea behind Biosphere Reserves is the sustainable interaction between man and nature. These model regions are intended to show that sustainable management pays off. The Engadine Val Müstair region is ideally suitable as a Biosphere Reserve, as its cultural landscape has high natural and landscape qualities. These qualities are preserved and promoted through sustainable agricultural and forestry use. The core area is free from human interference and offers nature and researchers an area of non-interference and observation.
With the UNESCO label, these qualities can be effectively emphasised in tourism marketing. More and more guests are longing for untouched nature, local products, soft mobility and sustainability. This offers a unique opportunity for positioning. The tourism organisation Engadine Scuol Samnaun Val Müstair has recognised this and developed corresponding offers. The task now is to continue together on this promising path and thus to give the region a clear competitive advantage.