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Blick in die Wildnisarena, der zweite Raum in der Nationalpark-Ausstellung des Nationalparkzentrums

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Wilderness in the Centre

The Swiss National Park means real wilderness. Consequently, the leitmotiv of the completely new National Park exhibition is wilderness. Everything you experience here is not only genuinely wild, but also genuinely National Park.

In four exhibition rooms, you can experience the National Park in all its facets. Get up close with the natural processes that are strictly protected in the park. At interactive stations, you get personally involved in research. In a lively presentation, you will also learn exciting facts about key moments in the history of the National Park. Questions about your own attitude to wilderness run as a common thread through the entire exhibition and lead to an unexpected finale. Let us surprise you!

  • Media guide in 5 languages (G/F/I/R/E)
  • Audio play with Furbina and Ratsch for younger guests
  • Play stations for children

The exhibition was planned and realised by Groenlandbasel scenographers in close cooperation with the Swiss National Park’s communications team.


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Furbina and Ratsch

Meet clever Furbina and her absent-minded brother Ratsch! The two nutcracker siblings accompany children through the National Park exhibition and are available as hand puppets at the National Park Centre.

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Hire our event rooms

The National Park also rents out some of its premises.

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