Research mission
Research is one of the foremost missions of the National Park. The founding fathers of the Swiss National Park (SNP) already stated in 1920: «For science, the National Park forms an invaluable field for observation, absolutely unique in its way, because all disturbance of natural balance through man is absolutely eliminated.»
Today, the research mission is clearly stated in the federal law governing the National Park, laid down in 1980:
«The National Park is to be the object of continual scientific research.»
Thanks to the vision of the founding fathers and the clear legal mission, the National Park today commands of a tradition in research dating back to 1916.

The research commission
Created in 1916, the research commission (FOK-SNP) is in charge of research in the National Park conjointly with the direction of the National Park. It monitors all research projects in the National Park. Meanwhile, its area of responsibility is not limited to the National Park anymore, but extends to the entire UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Engiadina Val Müstair, the regional park Biosfera Val Müstair as well as the protection and development zone Engiadina Val Müstair.
The research commission forms a part of the Swiss Academy of Science. At the beginning of the 20th century, the idea to set up a national park came from this institution. Its members come from different professional backgrounds and Swiss research institutions.
→ Members and staff of the research commission
The research commission is responsible for approval and authorisation of the various projects and makes sure the conservation aims are observed. Exclusively projects relevant to the National Park may be carried out.

Research concept
The 2018 research concept (in German) outlines the scientific objectives from the perspective of research and Park management. The National Park region is to be designed as an attractive research location in order to promote understanding of the following topics through the development of current scientific knowledge and long-term observations:
- Natural dynamics: The development of the National Park since its foundation
- Global change and climate change
- Achievements of protected ecosystems
- Sustainable regional development
On the one hand, we want to understand natural processes and the functioning of ecosystems better. Our research is also about recognising the direct and indirect effects of human activities and managing them in line with conservation goals. Another focus is to gain a better understanding of the interaction between economy, society, nature and culture and to make use of this for the sustainable development of the region.