18 Fuorcla Val dal Botsch
Time required: 6 hours 45 minutes
Here visitors can take a look at historical scenes, discover how bears live, their biology and the likelihood of their return to the region. The exhibition is ideal for children.
The last bear in Switzerland, shot by Jon Sarott Bischoff and Padruot Fried in 1904, is on show in the history section of the exhibition. A bear trap, to original scale, shows the horrible way in which bears were persecuted.
In another section of the exhibition visitors are shown the type of habitat a bear demands, and the distribution of bear populations in Europe today. The latest information concerning developments in Switzerland and neighbouring lands is periodically updated.
Accompanying texts are available in French, Italian and English.
How to get there
The PostBus from Scuol stops outside the museum. www.sbb.ch
Car parking is available in S-charl.
Guided tours
Guided tours of the exhibition, and guided visits to the Mot Madlain mining galleries are available. For information, contact: Scuol Tourismus,
tel. +41 (0)81 861 88 00
Information and reservation
Museum S-charl, tel. +41 (0) 81 864 86 77
Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val Müstair Tourism tel. +41 (0) 81 861 88 00
http://www.engadin.com, email: info@engadin.com
A comprehensive Mining Exhibition is situated in the cellar and on the ground floor.
Close by the Schmelzra Museum, visitors will find the Bear trail Senda da l’uors.
Close by the museum an open-air exhibit gives visitors the opportunity to put their knowledge of bears to the test, and learn more.
Schweizerischer Nationalpark – Verwaltung
Schloss Planta Wildenberg
7530 Zernez
Tel. +41818514111