A habitat for plants and wildlife, provides protection against avalanches and acts as a «green lung».
About a third of the National Park is covered by forest.
Typical mountain forests in the region consist of spruce, larch, cembra pine and mountain pine. Within the National Park the situation is a little different: due to clear cutting in former times, large areas of forest were demolished, and today the landscape is dominated by pioneer mountain pine forests, often referred to as the «Pass dal Fuorn» forests.
This mixed alpine forest above Alp la Schera consists of cembra pine, mountain pine, larch and spruce.
Due to the altitude of the National Park, the spread of the forest is restricted. Regions below the forest limit are widely forested. In general, there has been an increase in the forests throughout the Engadine/Val Müstair region during the last 100 years, due to a decrease in timber exploitation.